The Artist Wolf D.


More than half a century ago I saw the light of day in Vienna, the city of artists and thinkers. From a young age I loved to paint and to be creative. Made until I was 18 such a multitude of sketches, paintings and sculptures. However, many of these works were destroyed by water damage irretrievably destroyed.
This showed me that art, like many things in the world, is ephemeral and so I devoted myself to other interests. I did an apprenticeship as a mechanic, got an engineering degree and that's how I moved away from the artists, more in the direction of thinkers.
But art is a passion that caught up with me and inspired me again and again. And as luck would have it a good friend decided to convert his old vault into a gallery. That made me pick up my brush and palette again after 30 years and start the "Vault Gallery" to her inauguration with some of my new works, under the synonym "Wolf D." equip. "Witches, Lesbians, Amazons" was the provocative theme of this exhibition at the time.
Although not quite as drastic as in this artistic revival, my paintings are still outstanding today characterized by only a few colors in earthy tones, by the play of light and shadow and a touch of mysticism and eroticism.

Wolf D.